Hi, I am Shashi

Java Backend Developer

Aspiring Java Developer having a deep interest in backend development, looking for a job to enhance the current skill set and ready to get challanged by new things at work and keen to learn new skills and technologies required for the accomplishment of mutual goals.

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About Me

About Me

I'm Shashi

A Java Backend Developer

software Developer with a passion for developing innovative programs that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success. Well- versed in technology and writing code to create reliable and user-friendly systems. Confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company's organizational needs, highlight its core competencies, and further its success.

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Education & Skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • Spring Boot
  • MySQL

  • GitHub
  • VS Code
  • Git
  • Spring Tool
  • Swagger
  • Postman
    • Communication
    • Creativity
    • Problem Solving
    • Resourcefulness
    • Interest in Helping Others
    • Analytical Abilities



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    My Statistics

    My Statistics

    What I Did

    • 1200+

      Hours Of Coding

    • 600+

      Hours Of DSA

    • 4+

      Mini Projects

    • 6+

      Months Of Power Skills

    My Projects

    My Projects

    Lifestyle Clone

    Lifestyle is India's leading fashion destination for the latest trends for multiple categories including men, women and kids' apparel, footwear, handbags, fashion accessories and beauty and many more.

    Tech-Stack - CSS | HTML | JAVASCRIPT
    - Account Login. - Product according to categories. - Add to cart, buy and payment.

    Areas of Responsibility
    - Sign-Up - Sign-In

    PharmEasy Clone

    PharmEasy is an Indian e-pharmacy company that sells medicines, diagnostics and telehealth online.

    Tech-Stack - CSS | HTML | JAVASCRIPT

    - Complete E-commerce store. - Add to cart - Buy and payment

    Areas of Responsibility
    - Created cart - Created the complete payment process after selecting the product.

    Online Bus Adda

    Online Bus Adda is a bus reservation app where you can book a bus for each and every location as per your needs. also check buses details and admin can add, update bus details.

    Tech-Stack - Java | MySQL | Spring Boot | Hibernate | Lombok | Swagger | Postman

    - On-Board Registration. - Details Modification. - Easy access through API. - Manage through date.

    Areas of Responsibility
    - Created User Module. - Created five APIs.

    Online Trip management System

    Online Trip Management System App where admin can add packages, route, buses and hotel and users can book packages according to theire needs and also can write feedback.

    Tech-Stack - Java | MySQL | Spring Boot | Hibernate | Lombok | Swagger | Postman

    - On-Board Registration. - Details Modification. - Easy access through API. - Manage through date.

    Areas of Responsibility
    - Created Package Handlers - Created Booking Handlers

    Contact Me

    Contact Me

    Let's discuss

    I'm always open to discuss
    design work or partnerships.